Hot Tip: Hurricane Katrina was created by the Japanese Yakuza using Russian technology as revenge for the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
And I suppose by that logic, Hurricane Rita is probably payback for the atomic bombing of Nagasaki.
To order aluminum foil hats and learn more about weatherman Scott Stevens' "theories" of climatological manipulation, check out his website,
Chuck Norris doesn't sleep
7 years ago
Ah, but in unleashing Katrina onto the U.S., the Yakuza have shot themselves in the foot, as the intensity of the storm was such that it breached the holding pens in which the U.S. military's corps of armed dolphins was encamped. Armed with toxic darts, in fact.
The Gulf of Mexico is now aswim with cetacean commandos, and, I'm sure, the Sea of Japan soon will be too...
I can neither confirm nor deny thos comments.
*looks around*
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