Thursday, November 11, 2004

At least Dan Rather says funny things on election night!

Dan Rather can say the darndest things on election night.

Some examples from Nov. 2:

"Do you hear that knocking...President Bush's re-election is at the door."

"This race is hotter than a Times Square Rolex."

"The presidential race is swinging like Count Basie."

(To Joe Lockhart) "I know that you'd rather walk through a furnace in a gasoline suit than consider the possibility that John Kerry would lose Ohio."

"In southern states they beat him like a rented mule."

"We need Billy Crystal to Analyze This"

Wow! I only wish I had tuned in to more CBS between the hours of 10:00 pm and 3 am. I'm sure most of these gems came up around that time since CBS surely wasn't going to call Ohio for Bush until everybody else did. Click here for more Dan Ratherisms including some from 2002 and 2000.

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