Thursday, January 13, 2005

100 Most Mispronounced Words

I found this interesting site today and I think I learned a thing or two. Although I do take issue with a few of the words. Even if I do use it from time to time, "spit and image" just sounds wrong and kind of gross. I think that one would best remain "spitting image." I also don't think that "pernickety" is a word that can be classified as "often used."

I do however totally agree with the mispronunciation of "supposedly." I'm not sure when people started saying "supposably," but it has always been a pet peeve of mine.

No one is perfect though as I found at least ten words that I often mispronounce.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

When I was in college, one of my labs was taught by a grad student and she always told us to write in complete "sedences" Dude, you're in grad school, there's no D in sentence.